Clad with a Heavenly revelation, Prophet Abraham Richard stated as he took his position at the pulpit: You are welcome to today’s Word of God and you are welcome in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
After the sincere and hospitable remarks, and a revelational message titled Am I Your Father? he taught:
I would like to share with you in the Name of Christ Jesus. Today, in our land we are commemorating the Martyr’s of Faith. You could be wondering, who is a Martyr of Faith? It is someone who was led to Christ Jesus by revelation; then maintained and finished the race in faith. The reason why we commemorate them is because we are also moving in the same footprints.
Today, I want to share a revelation with the Church. I received a revelation from God; He is asking you: Am I Your Father? Let us start with some scripture reading to support our meditation today with the book of Saint John chapter 8 verse 31
Am I Your Father? It is a question of concern; it is saying check yourself or someone is saying I doubt if I am Your Father. When you take a close observation today, you will find everyone saying, “our Father, or my Father in Heaven.”
However, before we confess our Father, there are things you consider to know if we are children or not. We may be slaves but claiming to be children. A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is!
The LORD told me to ask you, “Am I Your God.” This is the voice of God. We may be making a terrible mistake insulting the name of the Holy One when we are not children. In the book of John chapter 14 verse 9, Jesus teaches His disciples, teachers of the Law and the Pharisees about His Father.
Jesus said to Philip, when you see me, you have seen the Father. So, the same question comes to you: Is He your Father or your father is the devil who makes you tell lies?
The very Son of God has to be exactly like the Father. I think this is the same way it is on earth. In African tradition, when a child was born, the grandparents would come to inspect if the child has features that are exclusive to their family.
Even in Heaven, if you are a Son or Daughter of God, there are things that speak for you. You do not go around shouting our Father. The Son has to be like the Father. Let us go into the Word of God for further guidance, the book of John chapter 5 verse 16. In verse 19, it affirms that the Son has to be like the Father.
If you claim to be a Son or Daughter of God, let actions accompany you because actions will tell us exactly who you are. There is no way we are going to enter Heaven yet you do not know Him.
Today, go and pray for the sick, if they are not healed, you will get to know who your true Father is. Because the Son has to be exactly like the Father. The Father has entrusted all Power and Authority in the Son.
True Children of God will say what the Father says. They are seen by signs around them. Even when they are sharing, it is by Power and Authority. Today, most of us rise up our hands and confess “our Father who is in Heaven.”
However, the more you call Him “My Father” but there is no response, you will start to doubt Him. Because the Word of God says can your child ask for fish and you give him a snake [Matthew 7:9-10].
We should stop misusing the name “our Father” because there are expectations to that name. The book of John chapter 1 verse 12.
In this generation, many of us respect our ancestral parenthood and we forget our spiritual parenthood. It is only those who believed Him that have a right to call Him “My Father.” Those who believe the Message of Christ Jesus, He makes them children of His Father and they look and act like Him.
When you look at them, you see Jesus. When you read the Bible, whatever Jesus did, they are doing. Those are the true children of God, Jesus becomes our big brother and what He does, we will do and more.
What disturbs us in the world is not knowing your true roots. It is important to get back to your roots because everything we are in this world originates from where we are born from. Our roots- who is your Father?
If you know your roots, everything will be easy. If God is your Spiritual Father, everything concerning the spiritual realm will be easy. You will be exactly like your Father. What He does, you will do because the word of God tells us that we shall know them by their fruits.
Words alone are not enough to convince us that you are a child of God. Children of God are seen by fruits. If your fruits are not Godly, then the Father of Jesus Christ is not your Father.
Even when you go on your knees to pray do not mention Father in Heaven because He that is in Heaven is not your Father. Your father is here on earth and he is called the devil. This is a revelation and it is all about checking yourself.
Everywhere in the scriptures we are seeing Jesus saying “My Father.” The teachers of the Law were offended to see a boy saying God is His Father because could not even confess it. The reason for Jesus coming down on earth was to show the Children of God like Apostle Peter how a real Son of God behaves.
Jesus taught Peter that he must be like Jesus to enter Heaven! Believer, you must love the Father, be a Son, and be possessed with the Holy Spirit. Miracles, healing and deliverance will follow you.
How can one become a child of God? By believing in Christ Jesus, accept His Message, repent then you will become a Son or Daughter of God. Remember that if you do not become a child, you will never enter Heaven.
Summing up this spirit filled message, the Prophet said: This is what the Spirit of God told me to share with you. It is a pregnant statement, “Am I Your Father?”
Child of God, we believe that with this message your spirit is moved and you are wondering how to join the family of Christ Jesus in faith. Please join in this prayer confession in faith, love and humility in the Name of Christ Jesus.
Prayer: I now believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God, and He is making me a sibling. Here I am LORD, locate me in Your Mercy.
Further scripture reading: John chapter 8 verse 39to47