“The moment you get to know your divine calling, you will begin to be shaped by it,” these are visionary words spoken by Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso. Him being a Prophet of God, daily, he is shaped by his calling. His utterances are not mere words but they are spirit filled meant to edify men and draw them closer to God.
As guided by the Holy Spirit, this is what Prophet Abraham Richard on 23rd October 2019 revealed concerning the prosperity of Buikwe District. He revealed: “God is going to transform the whole of Buikwe District and make it the glory of Uganda. So, let us move together into our prosperity that the LORD has proclaimed over our villages.”
2Peter 1:20 [NIV] also reminds us that: Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the Prophet’s own interpretation of things. Indeed, true and true is the Word of God.
Again as instructed by the Holy Spirit, the Prophet on 15th March 2020 reechoed: “It is good to plant what will yield money. But let us not focus most on money because money does not give life. I encourage you to grow food.”
In accordance to the Will of God, on 25th February 2022, a number of stake holders in Buikwe District met with Prophet Abraham Richard. These included, The Resident District Commissioner, the head of Wealth Creation Program, Leaders in the Local Farmers Association and many more.
Dear reader let this be engrained in us that once we heed to the voice of God through His Prophets, we have built on a firm foundation that will not be broken. Take an example of the widow from Zarephath in 2Kings 17:8-16.
When she harked to Prophet Elijah’s requisite and baked him a small piece of bread from the little flour that was left. The Prophet revealed that the bowl will not run out of flour or the jar out of oil and so was his word.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Prophet noted that: “My gospel is a gospel of love that is why as a servant of God, I rendered help.”
A meeting with a Servant of God will always leave you elevated to another position. For the stake holders of Buikwe District, not only were they uplifted spiritually, the LORD took it a step further.
As instructed by the Holy Spirit, they were given bean seedlings to kick start their season of planting. After the survey and contentment of the condition of the bean seeds, Ms. Jane the RDC handed over the beans to the local farmers in Kasubi Village to spread their wings whilst sowing for the next season.
Astounded by the words of wisdom and act of Love that came from the Prophet and the TVC Ministries partners, they could not help but testify saying:
Ms. Jane Francis [The Resident District Commissioner]:I am with the head of Wealth Creation Program in Buikwe, Mr. Colonel Nangendo. He has been supplying seeds to the local farmers in Kasubi Village.
Let me also add that I am happy that the Prophet of God Abraham Richard has stepped out to lend a hand to the Famers Associations. I am impressed because he does not only cater for the spiritual part but also the physical part.
He did not only extend the gospel to Buikwe District but also has worked hard to see our District prosper. Today, he has provided beans which we believe is our first step to prosperity. Truly, you cannot preach the LORD’s gospel to hungry people. Thank you Prophet of God.
Colonel Nangendo [The Head of Wealth Creation Program]: I thank the Prophet of God for doing such a great deed in our community. Indeed, he is paving a way for the Farmers’ Association to start off.
This act of Love that was graciously given to the section of farmers is what mature Christians live for. It is the commandment that Christ Jesus gives His disciples in John 15:12 [NIV]: My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.
Deputy Resident District Commissioner: Thank you Prophet of God for your love towards us.
From that great moment, of extending gratitude to the Prophet of God, one of the local farmers offered her gratitude: We were in the seasons of sowing but had lost all hope in planting because there were no seeds to use. But the LORD has answered our prayers and we have received beans seedlings. May the LORD bless the hand that has supported us.
As Prophet Abraham teaches that; the first step to receive from the LORD is being obedient and doing what He tells you. With the various stake holders attending the meeting with the Prophet of God, it was not a slip-up, but, a set time for God to prosper the District as a whole.
We also want to remind you that the Word of God does not bounce, rather, it falls on an individual or something for it to be perfected. Keep your eyes open as you witness the prosperity of Buikwe District.