Being His Will, the Spirit of God released the Heavenly ambassador Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso to meet the believers that were waiting for Christ’s touch in faith. Attending to them he said, “When we believe in the spirit word sent and what is spiritual, it makes us stronger in the spirit and even receive testimonies that glorify the name of the LORD.
Remember; when he performs a miracle His name is glorified but there is need for one to prepare in order to receive. You can never receive a miracle unless you prepare yourself to receive from the LORD believer. The reason we do not receive is due to our attitude before God that is unfaithful.
We ask and when we receive, we forget what we asked from the LORD and never return to testify. However if this God says that you are free, trust me you are. And to a Christian when this happens you are supposed to celebrate there and then for when the sons sets you free you are indeed [John 8:36]. Believers the LORD says, you are free and free indeed in the name of Jesus Christ our LORD.
Confess: Whatever challenge before me, am free in the name of Jesus!
The bible says you have seen a lot but leant noting yet God uses our situations to teach us different things. So from today learn to trust and believe the word the LORD sends you.
With this said allow me pray with you and share deep in the WORD of God with you. Do not forget the messages I have been sharing with you the previous services where we talked about Love, Faith and the spirit of poverty. Today I want to continue to encourage you from the book of Mark 5:24-34.
This story is about a woman that suffered terribly from severe bleeding for twelve years. After hearing of what Jesus had done, she said to herself that I have to get well. And on seeing Jesus walking as He preached His gospel, this woman touched His cloak and got healed immediately. Meaning faith cannot be surprised and if you ever get surprised it means you did not believe in the first place.
The bible says the woman said if I can only just touch his clothes I will be well. And indeed wit her faith she was not disappointed but received what she was expecting. Nonetheless, what do you believe when you go to Jesus?
When we look at this woman’s faith it was prepared by the Holy Spirit hence doing what no one had ever done. And when we read scriptures, it is the first time in history that we see a woman touch the clothes of Jesus. Faith born of God will tell you to do what no has ever done. With this message I believe it is enough to set you free.
Those whose faith is prepared by God do not waste any time because they know what to do when they meet His Son. My being here is because I saw some people in my vision calling God for His attention then He sent me to come attend to you. That is why I am here for you.
Jesus said that those that come to the father He will not chase then because He believes the Father has brought them. That is why He prepares them to receive healing when they display faith that others cannot. Look at the woman we have been meditating about. It was in her mind that she wished to touch Christ’s clothes and when the time came, she did because her faith was born of God and when faith met faith, healing occurred. You too believer, let you faith be born of God.
Let your thoughts, faith and spirit be born of God that way you will not be disappointed in the name of Jesus. This healing can only happen to a person prepared by the Holy Spirit not everyone.
Begin to receive from the Lord because distance is not a problem if you believe in the name of Jesus. Touch where the challenge is and you shall see God’s glory. I see the power of God touching your life. Faith can do whatever you want and nothing can fail it.
Thank you for your time and this is what the LORD sent me to say today. Shalom!