Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso teaches that behind everything you do, there is a spirit either good or bad that is controlling you. The testimony you are about to read, is one that clearly brings this statement released by the Prophet to be true.
When Ms. Rashida Nalule stood at the Prayer line, it was God’s appointed time for her to be delivered from the evil marine spirit that had engulfed her life. Philippians 2:10-11 [NIV]: at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Ms. Rashida was located by the Mercy and Grace of God on 3rd August, 2023. Prophet Abraham Richard inspired by the Holy Spirit revealed to her, “You always dream when you see waters and a force came from the water and entered you. It was a big lake, big waters. The force that entered you is what is tormenting you. It is marine evil forces – spirits that come from the water.”
This young lady confirmed that everything the Spirit of God had revealed was true. In her own words she confirmed to this revelation: From the time I was a child, I was having dreams about the lake but I did not tell anyone. I normally dreamt when the lake was coming to me and whenever it would get close to me, it would bow to me. I would also get dreams when I was in the lake with sea creatures and they would crowned me queen. As the Prophet revealed, this water was indeed controlling my life. I was a queen in the oceans, whenever I went there in my dreams, I was treated like royalty.
With all these dreams Ms. Rashida was receiving of being in the water, one might think that she was a competent swimmer. Nonetheless she did not know a thing about swimming. She recounts: I personally do not know how to swim, even though I would have all these dreams when I am in the water. The one time I tried to swim, the water was reaching up to my waist but I almost drowned. It was my fellow students who were near me that saved my life and from that time, I never tried to swim again.
True and true when Light appears, every darkness must be exposed and destroyed. Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso further revealed to this young girl, “When I look at you, I do not see a person, I see a sea creature, it is the one living in you. However when people see you walking, they see a human being walking.
That is true, do you see it too?” Ms. Nalule confirmed that everything as revealed, was very, very true. She recounts: What the Prophet of God has said that he sees a sea creature in me is very true. Ever since I was a young girl, I have always admired and wanted to be a mermaid. That was not all, I also loved and watched mermaid movies frequently. To take it a step further, every time I watched those movies, I would make a prayer wishing to be a mermaid. When I started having dreams whilst I was a mermaid, I would get excited. Nobody at home knew that my biggest wish was to become a mermaid.
I remember one time I had a dream when I was telling the father of my child to come and I show him what I really am. In that dream I took him to the lake, I entered inside and turned into a mermaid. When he saw what I had become in the dream, he tried to run away but the water surrounded us and there was no escape for him. I remember I had a dream when the sea creatures had come to me and they told me to protect them because people were eating them. I also never used to eat the head of the fish ever since I was a child. I told my mother that I cannot eat what is looking at me.
Whatever this young girl confirmed was bringing to Light what the Spirit of God revealed through His Prophet that; he did not see a person but a sea creature in her. It surely takes a spiritual person to see beyond the physical realm and reveal every hidden mystery. We believe you are learning a lot from this testimony believer and you are examining yourself with it!
John 10:10 [NIV]: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Assuredly God’s Time is the best, every evil spirit that had been controlling this young girl as a result of the evil marine spirit, which had dominated her, was being exposed and destroyed in the name of Christ Jesus. Prophet Abraham Richard also revealed to her, “No one can come close to you, because you have your own habits and characters, there many times you want to be alone. Even the people around you complain, saying, ‘it is like you do want people around you. Even children, you chase them.”
“It is true,” Ms. Nalule confirmed. Shading more light to the Word of Prophecy, she narrates: Time would reach and I did not want to be around people. I have a shop, but sometimes I would lock myself there. Even if customers came, I would tell them I am busy, but busy doing nothing or I would tell them I am going somewhere and refuse to attend to them. All this I did because I just wanted to be alone. Regarding the children it is also true, even though I love children, a time would reach and I did not want to be around them. Even my own children, I did not want them near me, I would find where to put them so that I could be by myself. I just loved being alone, not seeing anyone or hearing any voice.
To bring out the level of control this evil spirit had over this young girl, she was unable to drink boiled water, she would strictly drink un-boiled water because it is what the evil spirit in her wanted. The Prophet of God inspired by the Holy Spirit also prayed for Ms. Rashida commanding the spirit of lies to leave her and go.
I had quite a number of boyfriends and I was such a great lair. I would lie to anyone and they would leave me when they are totally conceived with what I have told them. However, when the Light of Christ encountered this young lady, she was delivered in the name of Christ Jesus. She drinks boiled water, loves to be with people and she no longer desires to be a mermaid. We acknowledge the Grace of Prophecy that located this young lady and transformed her life.
Standing next to her to testify was her sister, Ms. Nassuna Rebecca who testified, “Everything the Prophet of God revealed about my sister is true. Even what I did not know, she confirmed it to be true. I will share about what I have witnessed with her since we were children. My little sister has always been a loner and she did not like people and we thought because she was the last born, we had over pumped her that is why she behaved that way. We honestly used to blame ourselves, little did we know that we were dealing with an evil spirit.
There was a time that would reach in Rashida’s life and she did not want to be around anyone including her own children. She would be screaming and shouting at them and you would wonder if indeed she is the mother. Secondly, my sister was a liar to that extent that she would lie to you and you get confused. When the Prophet of God revealed to her that she tells lies, in my heart I said this is very true. There was one incident in South Sudan where my sister was working but she got into a conflict with her manager. However, I could not get to the bottom of the story because of the lies involved.
What I did, I told my sister to leave the job so that there could be some peace.” Thirdly as the Prophet revealed, Rashida was extremely lazy, and loved controlling people. My sister does not do any house chores at her home, the traditional roles there were reversed. The father of her first child does all the house chores and when Rashida felt some pity for him, she would give him a token of appreciation. He had become a slave under her control.
To affirm more the spirit of lies, while we were in Sudan, she had several boyfriends, she would be switching them up daily. There is one particular one, who went ahead and rented a house and bought all the house essentials with her but at the time of moving in, she broke up with him. Surely, my sister has been having the spirit of immorality. Rashida, my sister was also having two fathers for her second child and these men were under the control.
She told both men that they were the father to her current baby and each one had a role they were playing respectively in her life. When I found out, I tried to get to the bottom of the matter but both men were unwilling to cooperate with me. They were all under my sister’s thumb but I thank God for delivering her.
After the deliverance of 3rd August, 2023, the actual father of the baby called and said he would like to take up full responsibility of the baby. I thank the LORD for delivering my baby sister. I acknowledge the Grace of Prophecy in TVC Ministries.”
2Peter 1:19 [NIV]: We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Glory and honour goes back to the Mighty warrior Christ Jesus. We acknowledge the Grace of Prophecy