The Word of God puts it clearly in Matthew 18:4 that the little Children have a place in the Kingdom of God, let us take time to learn from them for they too have a message the LORD has placed in their hearts. Teacher Gloria teaches:
Jesus was always with the company of people the Pharisees and the lawyers regarded as sinners. These same people that call themselves righteous were shocked to see Jesus sit with the liars and thieves. God does not segregate between the righteous and sinners, even when the Pharisees said much about the sinners Jesus did not distance Himself from them. Jesus heard them grumble about this and He told them a parable of the LOST SHEEP.
He said to them, imagine that you owned 100 sheep and one of the lambs goes missing, would you go on to sleep thinking that; that one lamb does not matter? Of course not. No matter how tired you would be, you would search diligently until you find it.
Child of God, this is the same way Jesus feels about you, He does not want to lose you. Jesus said that there is joy in Heaven over one sinner who humbly comes to God than over ninety-nine people who already obey him.
In the book of Matthew 18:21-35, Peter asked His Master Jesus a question. How many times should I forgive someone who keeps mistreating me? Is seven times enough? Jesus answered no; He told Peter to keep on forgiving until seventy-seven times. This is also what Christ expects of you Child of God, in everything that happens keep forgiving those who hurt you.
Jesus then went ahead and talked about the parable of the ungrateful servant who owed the King a lot of money and the King commanded that this man, his wife and his children should be sold as slaves to pay the debt.
However, the servant pleaded to the King and he showed mercy to the man and erased the debt from his records. Listen, this same servant was demanding money from another servant, and when he went out of the Kings courts, he grabbed the other servant by his neck and told him pay at once.
The other servant cried and asked him to give him more time and he will pay him. But this servant did not listen to him, instead he got the man imprisoned. When the King heard about this, He told the wicked servant I forgave you yet you refuse to forgive others, because of this you must go to prison until you pay me everything.
What does this mean to you? In life, you will face people who will hurt you, steal from you, or accuse you falsely, but always be ready to forgive them, because we also need forgiveness from God. The LORD’s prayer says Father, forgive our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us. A Christian who wants Eternal life, must be willing to forgive at all times.