The Word of God tells us that the thief [satan] comes to steal, kill and destroy [John 10:10]; for Mr. Guard Nelson, the thief was deceitfully consuming his health away piece by piece. After narrowly surviving the Corona virus three times in 2020 and 2021, the virus left him with harrowing side effects.
His heart, liver, kidneys and veins were all affected by the Corona and Mr. Nelson did not have the slightest idea yet. Two months after overcoming COVI-19, he suffered a mini stroke due to clots that were found in his blood. That is when he received the gruesome news that most of his internal system at least had a side effect due to the Corona.
Due to the mini stroke for a period of time, he could only work with one arm and leg because they were the only ones that were able to function well. However, this mini stroke was just a small taste of what lay ahead for Mr. Nelson.
The clots eventually healed and it seemed like light had shone at the end of the tunnel for this gentleman. Despondently, his health got worse; it was a case of from the frying pan into the fire.
Before long, he was also diagnosed with diabetes and this took its toll on him also. Hardly had he come to terms with that, than he started getting numb in his hands and feet again; and on 13th March of 2022, he quickly rushed to the hospital to avoid any further deterioration of his health.
It was there that Mr. Nelson was informed that he had a deficiency of vitamin B 12. He was also informed that the clots had come back and was also having a diminishing enzyme called prothrombin.
“These sicknesses affected me financially mostly because the medication was very expensive.” Mr. Nelson attested while testifying. This time round, the doctors prescribed that he takes ten injections for prothrombin. And in addition to that he would also have to take seventy injections or several medications for the deficiency of vitamin B 12.
As if that was not enough, he would then be subjected to a yearly injection for the rest of his life. This was to boast his vitamin B 12 in his internal system. The doctors also advised him to start his medication of diabetes.
The situation of Mr. Nelson’s health became unbearable to him and as he shared with a friend what he was going though. His friend who had been a recipient of the miraculous power of God encouraged Mr. Guard Nelson to come and see what the LORD Almighty would do in his life.
In faith, Mr. Guard came believing for his healing.
As the Prophet of God teaches that a cry of faith must be attended to by the Spirit of God, so was the case of Mr. Nelson. He never met the Servant of God physically, but through an on screen deliverance prayer session. During the deliverance prayer session, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso prophetically proclaimed, “This sickness will not end in death. I see a breakthrough.”
Whilst in prayer, Mr. Nelson believed that he had been touched by the Spirit of God and it was true. When he went to hospital the following day to see his health progress as pre planned, he was happily shocked with the results he received.
First off, he was told the clots of blood that were in his internal system were no more. Secondly, unbelievably, his vitamin B 12 was very normal. He was no longer having a vitamin B 12 deficiency.
Mr. Nelson had 1,474PG/ML of vitamin B12 which is more than enough for him compared to the 46PG/ML of vitamin B12 that he had in March 13th of 2022 when he went for a checkup. When it came to the diabetes, the doctors also informed him that he was no longer diabetic.
He asked the doctors to run another much senior test from the previous one which they did and the results came back with proof that he was not diabetic. In fact the results reflected that for the past three months there was no sign of diabetes in his system.
The good news was not yet over; Mr. Nelson’s heart, liver, kidney and veins were also now very okay and functioning as they should.
As the Word of God, tells us in Matthew 17:20 that even if you have faith small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. This mountain of sickness indisputably left the life of Mr. Nelson and he is now enjoying the goodness of God. Glory and honour goes to the Most High God.
Advice from Mr. Nelson Guard: I encourage everyone to believe. You do not need a man to touch you, all you need is faith. For me to get healed from all these sicknesses, I did not see the Servant of God physically.
It was through an onscreen deliverance prayer that I joined in faith and my life changed. God is still living. He is still there for us and is still healing everyone who comes to him.
Psalm 34:1-2 [NIV]: 1I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. 2I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.