“15th December 2021 is the day my world came crushing down on my daughter and me,” Ms. Nalwoga Fazirah narrates. Their once peaceful and blissful life was no more. For her daughter, it was a strange illness that doctors failed to diagnose.
For Ms. Fazirah, it was a severe migraine and an array of other strange sicknesses. The migraine was so bad that she was unable to sleep like normal People. Sleep would literally have to steal her away but she was always woken up with a throbbing migraine before long.
As if this was not enough to bear, in her eyes everything was viewed as colour red, irrespective of the actual colour. Because of the strange happenings with her eyes, she would close them often times in order to keep some sort of sanity in her head.
This seemed like the worst state that she was in, but it was not yet over for Ms. Fazira. This was just a glimpse of the torture that she was in. As the Word of God warns us that satan came to steal, kill and destroy, Ms. Nalwoga was feeling every ounce of it.
She narrated that from December 2021, her shoulders were carrying something heavy every day that she could see with her physical eyes but only felt it. Her heart also felt the impact of this demonic attack as it always felt heavy too.
In addition to all this, Ms. Fazirah also used to experience temporary paralysis in her hands and legs. Particularly for the legs when she stood for about ten minutes, they would get paralyzed and she would fall.
As all these bizarre things were happening in her life, it was a clear depiction of the evil bondage, Ms. Nalwoga was undergoing.
Life was a nightmare for Ms. Nalwoga Fazirah and her daughter Nalubega Kendrah, the situation was so dire for her that she often wondered who would take care of her daughter when she died.
She recounted, “I often wondered how my daughter would live. I remember as all these things were going on, I always heard a voice telling me to move and go. When this evil voice spoke, I would totally lose my focus, it is like something else would take over me.
Every few seconds, the voice would tell me, move and go. Go to where I did not know too. It was in control of me to the point that when people came around me and started to speak, it would intensify its volume in me.
It was like a competition between People and the voice; and the evil voice won because it managed to keep me in isolation. I never wanted to be around People because of what would happen to me. I even left my marital home and went back to my mother’s home in search of isolation. In hindsight, I realize I was held captive by the devil.”
This was the sad reality of Ms. Nalwoga Fazirah for over two months until the Light of Jesus shone upon her. The psalmist communicates to us that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
When Ms. Fazirah’s in law found out about what was going on in her life, she invited her to come to the Prayer Mountain and seek God’s opinion about it. In haste, they brought her and Ms. Fazirah’s journey to healing began instantly.
When she reached the home of her extended family, they immediately reached out to True Vine Communion Ministries Prayer line or help line +256700396657 or +256783459427.
By God’s Grace, she was prayed for and instantly received relief from her migraine. “I was able to sleep that day, it was long overdue since I had some beautiful sleep,” Ms. Fazira noted.
It was during that sleep that she had a dream when she was being taken to hospital and found a doctor who informed her that she will be well in seven days. This dream kept ringing in her head as she was wondering who that doctor could be.
It was not long before she met the “doctor.” While at the Prayer line, she saw a man who looked exactly like the “doctor” in her dream. It was none other than Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso.
It was then that she knew that the time of full healing and restoration had come for her and the daughter.
She made a faith prayer and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Prophet prayed for her and satan with his agents were sent to face the second death.
Ms. Fazirah recounts, “Everything that had been derailing my life from the migraines, demonic oppression, isolation and paralysis ended that day. I am able to stand for longer than ten minutes. I am no longer living in isolation, I enjoy having conversations.
The evil voice that controlled me is no more with the demonic oppression! The migraines are no more!” Just as it was with the woman of the blood issue in Mark 5:29 [NIV]: Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
In regard to her daughter, Ms. Nalwoga testifies, “On 15th December 2021, my daughter was not feeling well and when I took her to hospital, they failed to get a right diagnosis; because her blood samples failed to be seen under the microscope as suspected by the first doctor who concluded that Kendrah had cancer.
Infact I was told to take her back after thirteen days and when I did, they did not find any sickness with her; but every single day her condition was only getting worse. It is when they suspected that she had sickle cells but it was not confirmed medically.
On top of that, my daughter out of the blue got knock knees, the doctor who saw her advised me to take her to Entebbe Hospital. It is in Entebbe where there is a reputable orthopedic centre and I was told that the knees of my daughter would be corrected from there.
However, apart from the knock knees, I noticed that my daughter’s bones were starting to outgrow her. This condition worried me so much and I was not sure of what next with my girl.
However, when I encountered the Servant of God, I had the medical report of my daughter and by the Grace of God he prayed for her. My daughter has since recovered from the knock knees, she is normal. The bones too, by the Grace of God they have gone back to their original size.
My daughter has also been pneumonic since birth but from the time she was prayed for, it has been a different story in our household. She is now a free girl who enjoys different weathers with no fear in regard to her health.
It is three weeks now and my daughter and I are as healthy as can be.”
Standing next to her was Ms. Nabukeera Cissy who testified: This lady next to me is my sister according to cultural norms. I honestly found her in a bad state when I had gone to visit her.
She was crying and tired of the hardship that she was going through. Seeing her state, I invited her to come for prayers at the Prayer Mountain and she did not decline.
From the time she arrived, healing has been flowing for her. Today, she is a new creation, she is totally healed. Even when People at her home call and she tells them that she is fine, they are shocked.
Ms. Nalwoga Fazirah’s piece of advice:
If you have any issue believe that God is above every situation. When you trust in the LORD, you will become His friend. Believe that the One who gave you life can take away any situation that attacks you in the right place.
If it was written upon you that you will get healed from the Prayer Mountain, it will be, let us learn to trust God.