At a tender age of two years, little boy Eric Kibalama developed a breathing problem. It became very difficult for him to breathe and as any responsible parent should do, his mother took him to hospitals to get to the root of the problem.
Unfortunately, when the infant was taken into a scan, it was reported that all was well with him. Even though everything was okay as reported, Eric was still facing great difficulty in breathing and it was a hopeless situation. This pushed the family to try different hospitals for a second opinion but they were always told that Eric is fine.
Eventually, Eric was diagnosed with pneumonia and they began the treatment. He was given some pills to swallow when the attack would come but he was not recovering at all. Desperate to see her Child get better, Kibalama’s mother embarked on a new mission -witchcraft. This too was a very unsuccessful venture as the little boy did not get healed as promised.
In the years that followed, the family of Eric was turned upside and his future uncertain due to this condition. His father advised that he should be taken to his grandparents but even when he was, the condition did not change. When this attack would come, nobody around the vicinity of Eric would be able to sleep or even go about their chores.
It was as if Eric was going to die and this put tension on everyone. His aunt, Mrs. Kizito Juliet who was aware of the situation was convicted in her spirit to bring her nephew for prayer. As convicted, she brought Eric to the Prayer Mountain for healing. As inspired by the Holy Spirit, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso prayed for the young boy and healing began to manifest in his life.
1Peter 5:8 [NIV]: Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. The battle though was not yet over for Eric, a few days later while he was at home with his aunt, she was awakened in her spirit to pray, chasing satan and all his agents away.
In obedience, she did and a few minutes later, signs of his former sickness began to surface. She recounts tearfully but with a warm smile of victory “When I saw Eric show these signs, I knew that I was prepared for this battle because I was from prayer.
I immediately got the Divine Heavenly Water in faith and administered it on him in the name of Christ Jesus. I then instructed him to go and bath some of it. Also, in obedience he did as instructed and as he was taking a shower he saw a vision of a snake come out of him.
From that day, the troubles of difficulty in breathing for Eric are no more. He is now enjoying life as he should by the Grace of God.”
Standing next to his aunt, Mrs. Kizito was the lovely Eric who had this to say, “I thank the Lord for delivering me. Before, I would find it hard to breathe in and out when this attack came to me. It was as if something was failing my lungs to function normally, but right now, all is well. I remember when I was given the Divine Heavenly Water to go and bath, as I was bathing I saw a vision when a snake was going away from me and I thank God for healing me.”
Glory and honour goes back to the greatest healer Christ Jesus.
Piece of Advice: The battle does not end after deliverance, healing or prophesying Child of God. It is paramount to keep yourself in the atmosphere of prayer, reading the Word of God and hence building your relationship with God. In so doing, even if satan comes back to devour you with any situation, he will not succeed [James 4:7].