With the expectant congregation dancing to the LORD Almighty, Prophet Abraham Richard took his position to teach the believers what the Spirit of God had placed in his heart. His first remarked as he stood before the believers were, “You are welcome to the Resurrection Sunday and if we are talking about Resurrection, we are talking about witnessing the Power of God. We are not going to talk about death again,”
To you that is reading this message, these remarks are so true for your life as long as you believe. We welcome you to this moment of learning from the Spirit of God. With a message titled, Resurrection Power, the Servant of God taught:
We are going to be witnessing the Power of God because the Bible tells us that when Christ Jesus left the dead and He was resurrected, great Power was among the believers. That is when He released gifts to men, he made some Pastors others Prophets and Evangelists because the Power was available. This Power worked miracles, wonders and changed people’s lives.
When the LORD was raised from the dead, that Power that raised Him, He extended it to those who had died before. The Bible says those dead people were seen walking on the streets again. It means the Power of Christ Jesus gave others life, people like you and I, and the same Power is available for us.
Believer, are you tired of living in the dead whilst you are a Christian? Some of our lives and businesses are in the dead. Unless you are delivered, you can never prosper. Even if you are given a billion dollars, you can never prosper, it will perish and you will have nothing to show of it. A person who is unclean, whatever you touch becomes unclean.
That is what the Word of God says in Numbers 19:22: Anything that an unclean person touches becomes unclean, anyone who touches it becomes unclean till evening. [NIV]
A person that is unclean, whatever they touch on will be unclean. The Bible says when you touch on the dead body, you will become unclean. This means that within you, there is a Spirit of death so whatever you touch on will die. A dead man cannot do business or give life. That is why today many are preaching the gospel but they cannot rise the dead because they are already dead.
We need to resurrect first in order to have the Power of life to give Life and this is why we are here. When you are delivered today, whenever you touch on anything, it will begin to get life. Today by the Grace of God, I have been sent to pray and bless those who are ready for Resurrection Power. We are before God, let your eyes of faith rest in the LORD.
Whatever faith you have, press it in Christ Jesus. I do not want to see you in the dead again, I want to see you in the living. People who are living, when they do something with their hands it prospers. These are people who start small and they get big. People who are favoured, everyone runs to them; that is what I call life.
The book of Acts 2:24: But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. Child of God, why did death have no hold over Christ Jesus? It is because God set Him free from death and raised Him back to life. When the LORD says Yes, no one, or anything can say no. It is evident that Jesus resurrected from the dead.
If He did not resurrect from the dead, we would not be here. There would be no Power to convince people and we would not be different from those of the world. Whenever evil powers would come to check us; they would defeat us. But see, nothing defeating us even if it checks us. Why? Because we believe there is a Power yet some people doubt it.
The Power of Resurrection is living in a true Christian that is what the Word of God says in 2Corithians 4:5: For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as LORD, and ourselves as servants for Jesus’ sake. We are testifying today that there is a Jesus who is alive. That Power that resurrected Him is the one to resurrect you as well.
This resurrection Power is to be stored in you and when anything evil comes and wants to draw you back to the past, it will find the Word of life in you. The truth is Child of God, you need this Resurrection Power. We give what we have. Can a man give what he does not have? We give what we have. A man of life will give Life.
The Bible says when God affirmed to His Servants that He was alive, they began to preach also the gospel of Power. They could not speak the gospel of empty words but of Power because it has been released [Acts 2]. For every true Christian, there is a Power within you that does not allow you to be crushed.
You cannot put a Christian in jail and think they will not get out. Look at Joseph, everyone forgot about him but it did not stop God from doing what He said about him. A true Christian is one who has God’s promise upon there life. That person cannot be locked down and they fail to come out.
These are the men and women who are buried today and tomorrow they rise up because you cannot bury God’s Word upon someone. Even if people are burying you, the Word reports to itself [John 1:1] and it rises from the dead. There is nobody who has a Promise of God in the Bible from the beginning to the end that was disappointed.
Our Father in the LORD David confessed in Psalm chapter 54 verse 22, he was confident with what he confessed because of the promise of God upon his life. The LORD protects His Word upon your lives.
I am not encouraging you; I am telling you the truth. If you do not have the Promise of God upon your life, you will die, everyone who comes against you will overcome you. Do you have a promise?
Further scripture reading: Matthew 8:5-6, Acts 2:22-24, 2Corinthians 4, Colossians 3, Acts 3