John 13:34-35 clearly spells out what a right Living is that is – Loving one another. As Christians and Disciples of Christ Jesus, it is always right to present ourselves to the LORD when we have put His command in practice. When “Love your neighbour” is talked about, you ask yourself, “How can I know this is the right person to give charity too?”
It is not our obligation to know a person’s life story to help them. No! We can only know the right person through the help of the Holy Spirit. It is our duty as Christians to pray and the Holy Spirit will guide our hearts to the person Heaven wants you to share Love with.
This Love we talk about, it is not about material things as Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso frequently emphasizes. It about your quality time, smile, prayers, words of encouragements, sense of humor and advice given to another person in need of them.
As he has taught, he has done; the Love flag has been hoisted up in the lives of the elderly in different regions of Buikwe District. This has been done by Prophet Abraham Richard and the partners of TVC Ministries in accordance to the Will of God.
The Word of God in Zechariah 4:6 says that it is not by power or by might but by the Spirit of God, indeed it has been HIM bringing back smiles, hope and revival to these elders. Many who have witnessed this Love are left pondering at how perfect God’s Love is.
On 27th March 2022, the Spirit of God inspired Prophet Abraham Richard to go for a Love walk amongst the elders. Inspired to inspire, the Servant of God, together with the TVC Ministries partners took a Love walk to privileged elders.
In this divine visitation, not only were the elders pleased with their material gifts, but they were also humbled when the Spirit of God spoke to them. How wonderful, amazing and exciting it is for the LORD to guide an elder on the proper route of Christ Jesus.
The Spirit of God through Prophet Abraham Richard spoke to some elders and advised them to reconcile in order to resolve matters [Matthew 6:14-15]. Whilst others, he spent quality time with them [Hebrews 13:16]. At the same time, those who were in need of medical care, it was given to them [Luke 10:25-37].
We pray that as you have read this story, not only has it left you in awe of God’s Love, but it has also inspired you to show Love to your neighbours in Jesus’ name. Child of God, the change your family, community and the world longs for starts with you loving them as Christ Jesus Loves you.
Just as Prophet Abraham Richard says, “we came by Love and we shall go by Love.” Hoist that Love flag up, it does not matter how small it may seem to you, before God it is enough to display His glory.
Do not forget that God is pleased with small beginning as it is written in Zechariah 4:10 [NIV]: Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?
Salvation is Loving your neighbour.