One thing for sure is that when you come in the presence of God believing, you will leave His presence with a testimony. Brother Okolongo Paul was suffering from a mysterious eye problem for three years. Whenever he looked into anything with light, he would experience extreme pain that was abnormal.
Child of God, remember that everything that happens to a Christian it is only for the Glory of God. In Genesis 39:19-23, God displayed His glory in Joseph’s situation, even when they sent him to prison.
As it was with Joseph, so it was with brother Okolongo. After three years of an eye problem, at God’s appointed time, his story changed.
By the Grace of God, he heard about the Prayer Camp Meeting and signed up to attend. He believed he would find healing and his belief did not fail him. Whilst at the Prayer Line, Seer Abraham Richard, instructed by the Holy Spirit, prayed for this gentleman.
Brother Okolongo Paul recounts how he feels after his encounter with a Spiritual Jesus, “After the Prophet of God praying for me, I looked straight in the bulb and I felt no pain. I came believing for Christ Jesus to intervene in this issue of my eyesight and I have been a witness to my healing. I thank God for setting me free.”
Blessed is the man who comes in the LORD’s name. Psalm 121:1-2: I look up to the mountains-does my help come from there? My help comes from the LORD, who made Heaven an earth!
Praise be unto the God most High who makes the blind see, lame walk, weak become strong, and barren become fruitful.